Hello there!

If you've got something on your mind, a burning question, or simply want to share a smile, I'm all ears! Your messages brighten my day, and I can't wait to hear from you. Whether it's feedback, inquiries, or just a friendly chat, don't hesitate to reach out.

I'm also on the lookout for models interested in collaborating on a TFP (Trade for Portfolio) basis. If you're in Belgium and looking to build your portfolio or simply have some fun in front of the camera, I'd love to hear from you! No prior experience is necessary; I'm eager to capture fresh and unique portraits. As I'm working to expand my portrait portfolio, please note that I'm also relatively new to portrait photography.

You can always find me on Instagram, too! Follow me at @memoria_road_photography for updates and a peek into my world.

*Indicates required field. I won't be spamming you, pinky promise!